March 18, 2012

Another Friends of the Library Book Sale Success, and Pottsgrove High School's NHS Rocks!

Led by the intrepid Cherie Makowski, The Friends of the Pottstown Public Library held another hugely successful backdoor book sale this past Friday and Saturday, where books ranged in price from $.25 to $1.00.

Many thanks to all of our wonderful community volunteers (my beloved, for one).  We could not have done it without you! 

Gather a group of smart, civic-minded teens together, along with one enthusiastic teacher advisor, and look what can be done!  This past December, Pottsgrove High School's National Honor Society decided that their next philanthropy project would involve something that did not cost money, since the community had already been so incredibly generous during the Pink Out in October.  According to Lindsey Stock, the students' teacher, they figured that everyone has books lying around that they no longer need or want so they focused their energies there.  They collected gently used books from the high school students, staff and community members for three weeks and were able to amass over 2,000 books.  It took five cars to transport all of the books from the high school to the library.  Thank you, Pottsgrove High School's NHS!  You rock!  

The books that were so generously donated by Pottsgrove's NHS are being sold by the Friends of the Library to raise funds to support our library. 

Donations of used books are accepted during library hours.  And, don't miss our next book sale.


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