April 18, 2012

Childish Enthusiasm and Unicorn Crayon Party Favors

I want to be a kid again!  My friends and family could successfully argue that, in a lot of ways, I am a big kid.  I have the energy of a two-year-old, sing with gusto (more often than not the wrong words, much to my sister and daughter's dismay), dance in my socks in the kitchen and laugh often.  And, I make up my own words, not just to songs, whenever it pleases me.  Yippy skippy! 

I was contacted by a customer requesting unicorn crayon party favors.  I had never made unicorn crayons so spent yesterday evening in creativity mode.  The end result: SUPER DUPER CUTENESS!  I am as pleased as Punch.  Unicorn crayons in every color of the rainbow and then some, available in my Etsy shop HERE.

Never lose your childish enthusiasm.

© 2012 All products, photography, graphics, text and copy are the property of Ivy Lane Designs, LLC.

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