May 9, 2012

The Kindness of Strangers: Pottstown Area Businesses

No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.  ~Aesop  

Tomorrow, the greatly anticipated 2nd Annual Golf Tournament and silent auction will take place to benefit the Pottstown Cluster.  The Cluster feeds and clothes people who are in need.  This is a good thing.  A very good thing.

If I could manage a cartwheel, I would be cartwheeling all over the place!  In the past two weeks, local area merchants donated over $1,700 in merchandise [and money] for the silent auction.  Justin and I went door to door asking for help and business owners and managers answered the call.  I am thrilled!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My Etsy shop, Ivy Lane Designs, contributed a children's art basket that included a set of my nifty fish crayons.  

Kelli, from Achin' Back Garden Center, donated a beautiful garden basket.

Andrea, Owner/Artist of Buttercup Beads, gave a lovely handmade dichroic glass bead necklace.

Jeff, of Jack O'Reilly Tuxedos, donated a gift certificate for a tuxedo rental.

Chris and Sam, owners of Milkman Lunch Co. & Cake Shoppe, baked a dozen artisanal cupcakes especially for the silent auction.

I would like to thank all of the local businesses, listed in no particular order, that gave so that the Pottstown Cluster can help others.  You have great big wonderful hearts!

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