May 24, 2012

Special Olympics Challenges and Delights Montgomery County Athletes

Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.

Students from Montgomery County, Pennsylvania gathered today at Souderton Area High School to compete in, and support, Special Olympics.  Pottsgrove High School athletes, teachers, therapists, aides and buddies enjoyed a day of sun and fun.

Pottsgrove High School's band played on while athletes and buddies boarded their buses.

Five years ago, life skills class teacher extraordinaire, Melissa DeStefano, approached Pottsgrove School District with the hope of having her students participate in Special Olympics.  The district approved, and her athletes have returned each year since earning many awards and fond memories.  Thank you, Mrs. DeStefano and Pottsgrove School District!

Every one expressed excitement in his or her own way.

Justin and fellow Olympians announced the arrival of Team Pottsgrove by carrying a handmade banner around the track. 

A Souderton Area High School student kicked off the games with the Olympic Torch Relay.

Running.  If you were to ask Justin what he did at Special Olympics, he would tell you "running, jumping, throwing."  Here he is giving the 200m his all.

Justin's Pottsgrove High School buddies did a great job making sure he arrived at each event on time.

Educating someone with autism is a huge job.  Here is Justin with some of the amazing people who work with him: his teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist and ESY/gym teacher.

 Lauren would not have missed supporting her brother for anything.


Justin and his pal, Josh.


We do not remember days; we remember moments.  Today was filled with wonderful moments.



  1. wow. that was beautiful. I'm getting teary reading through it. thank you for putting together. I am so proud of Justin !

  2. Excellent summary to a fabulous day!

  3. Mel and Sue and all of the other staff that participated, I'm sure there were many grateful kids and families. Kudos! Really enjoyed this post.

  4. I am so glad I found your blog. I am the mother of an 11 year old son with Spina Bifida. What a great day you must have had at special olympics !! I can agree more with the saying "We don't remember days, we remember moments".


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