June 5, 2012

Justin is the Recipient of The Student Government Perseverance Award

per·se·ver·ance:  steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.

Today, Pottsgrove High School held its annual Senior Awards Day Ceremony.  Justin, who has autism, received The Student Government Perseverance Award.  The Perseverance Award is presented to an individual who has displayed tremendous courage in overcoming obstacles throughout his/her high school career.  That certainly is our Justin. 

Justin received the most applause.  He was thrilled.  I cried. ♥  

Following the ceremony, there was a lovely reception in the library where our rock star principal, Mrs. Yolanda Williams, congratulated Justin.

Congratulations, Justin and the entire class of 2012. 


1 comment:

  1. love to see that smile .. he is certainly happy and relaxed today!


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