July 16, 2012

No One Should Go Hungry. Period.

Feeding those in need is not a spectator sport.  What could be more exciting and rewarding than getting personally involved in ensuring that no one goes hungry?  The Pottstown Cluster of Religious Communities provides FREE hot meals to those in need five days a week.  Click HERE for a meal schedule and HERE to see how you can help those in the Pottstown community.

Today our band of merry volunteers served over 50 lbs. of macaroni and cheese, 30 lbs. of fresh green beans, 14 lbs. of peaches, rolls and dessert to close to 100 folks who might have otherwise gone hungry.  

As always, I would like to thank Christ Episcopal Church for lending us their home.  

I have my friend and gym partner, Dee, to thank for passing along Paula Deen's Southern green bean preparation pointers.   


First, enlist your beloved in trimming one bushel of fresh green beans.  This task took both of us well over an hour.  Heat olive oil in huge pot over medium high heat.  Add ham hocks or shanks.  I used shanks as our grocery store was out of hocks.  Add two large chopped onions and 1/4 cup of fresh minced garlic.  Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onions began to soften.  Add water to cover and simmer covered for 45 minutes.  Add green beans and fill pot half way with water.  Return lid to pot, reduce heat and simmer until done.  Remove ham hocks/shanks.  Shred meat, discard bones and add meat bits to pot.  Add 1/2 lb. butter or margarine.  Salt to taste and mix thoroughly.  Transfer to extra large serving bowl (or two).  Enjoy!  


Teach your kids by example.  Volunteer and make a difference in the life of another.


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