August 2, 2012

Dogs: Recycled Crayons

Creating cool stuff from recyclables makes my heart sing!  At the end of each school year, I contact local elementary schools and travel around picking up their broken crayon bits and pieces (while singing the wrong words to songs on the radio).  Eco-conscious teachers rock! 

Today I recycled my stash to make super duper chunky dog crayons, available in my Etsy shop HERE.  I love that they stand up.  

I thought about making little capes so they would be super hero dog crayons.  You'll have to use your imagination.

It was a nice day today so I sat outside and doodled a bit.  I drew a house for my dog crayon.  He (boy dog ... he told me) seemed very happy with his new home and asked that next time I consider drawing some food in his bowl.  Roger that.


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