August 13, 2012

Our First Trip to Shake Shack in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

You know how you hear about a restaurant and can't wait to try it?  I first heard about Shake Shack on the Food Network as a "don't miss" eatery in New York City.  I had planned to give it a try during my next visit to the Big Apple, but Shake Shack saved me a trip by opening their doors in Philadelphia in early June.

We decided to visit in the late afternoon, between lunch and dinner, to avoid the lines that reportedly wrap around the block.  There was no line when we arrived and we quickly scored an outside table. 

Justin, who has autism, studied the online menu before leaving home.  

Justin and Lauren had ShackBurgers and fries (we brought a gluten-free bun from home for Justin).
Bob and I enjoyed 'Shroom Burgers.

From Shake Shack we headed east to visit the Liberty Bell and Independence Hall.

The Liberty Bell is a "very significant symbol for the entire democratic world." ~Nelson Mandela, July 4, 1993.

Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell are such powerful symbols of individual freedom.  

Lauren shows George some love.

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were drafted and signed in the Assembly Room located in Independence Hall.  

The First Amendment:  A wonderful parting reminder.


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