January 19, 2013

DC or Bust, Baby! Fifty-Seventh Presidential Inauguration

On November 6, 2012, our daughter voted in her very first Presidential election.  We were as proud as proud could be!  You can read about it HEREMy husband and I then thought what better way to complete the circle than to take our now not-so-little girl to the Presidential Inauguration.  

This Monday, we will be heading to DC, rain or shine, sleet or snow.  We will be there, in our long underwear and wool socks, overcoming our fear of chemical toilets, to offer support and congratulations to President Obama.  Another wonderfully delightful rite of passage!

I'm working on my list of things not to forget, as temperatures are expected to be in the low 30s.  In no particular order:
  • long underwear
  • wool thrift shop sweater
  • hand and feet warmers
  • hat, gloves
  • scarf
  • tissues
  • down coat with hood
  • wool socks
  • boots
  • blanket
  • water bottles
  • lunch
  • snacks
  • water bottles
  • lip balm
  • camera
  • extra camera battery
  • binoculars 
...I'm sure I'll think of a few more things.

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