June 15, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness: Spaghetti with a Side of Love

Today we served 90 meals of spaghetti with meat sauce, garlic bread, Caesar salad, mixed veggies, fruit salad and a variety of scrumptious desserts to those in need -- no questions asked.  Every third Monday, our merry band of volunteers can be found at Christ Episcopal Church, serving hot meals to anyone in need, through a community meals program sponsored by the Pottstown Cluster Outreach.

We have great fun while working to make each person feel special. 

Our group's aim is to not only feed those in need, but to inspire others to practice kindness.  

For many, the dinner we cook is their only meal of the day.  Over 49 million Americans are food insecure, meaning they don't know where they will get food for their next meal. The average food stamp budget is $3.00 a day. We have some work to do, folks.  

Our volunteers sit with our guests and talk about things that are important to them.  Today one gentleman shared his earliest childhood memory.  He said he vividly recalls when he was three, he helped his dad build a house in the Poconos.  Another proudly talked about his seven kids and oodles of grandkids, and how much he looks forward to being a great grandpa some day.

If you have been thinking about volunteering, just do it!  Don't wait for a friend to join you.  Just pick up the phone and call your library or a food bank or wherever you think there might be a need for a smile and a helping hand.  Your heart will be glad you did.

If you live in the Pottstown area, the Cluster could really use your help.  Click HERE for the online volunteer form, or call Vicki Bumstead at:  (610) 970-5995.


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